Tuesday, 4 November 2014

ShareKhan TradeTiger Installation Setup

Step 1: Download and Install DotNet Framework 3.5
For 32 Bit / 64 Bit OS - Dot Net Framework 3.5 Download *

Step 2: Download TradeTiger setup
32 Bit TradeTiger Setup Download
64 Bit TradeTiger Setup Download
Run the TradeTigerSetup.msi file to start installation.
Follow the instructions on the screen, just click on "next" button on all screens.
Done! You are ready to start using TradeTiger

Final Step : Procedure to Start the TradeTiger Exe
Double click on TradeTiger icon on the desktop. This icon is created automatically during the installation.
You will be now presented with a "Login" screen.
When you open TradeTiger for the first time, you will have to set a server to connect to.

Click on the "Proxy" tab on the login screen.

Select ANY one server 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 /... from the list in the "Server" drop down and Proxy as "NONE" .Keep the rest unchanged and hit the "save" button. As soon as a connection to the server is established, you will be redirected to the login screen. Now you can enter your username and password to login into the system.

Note: You may have to set the "proxy", "host" and "port" only if you are behind the firewall in a LAN environment.
Ports 19345, 19346, 20345 and 20346 on the proxy server has to be opened.
For accessing the system through proxy please contact your helpdesk and they will be able to help you out.
The settings are done and you are ready to use TradeTiger!

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